Lobbying for Same Sex Marriage
I am lobbying for a change in marital law in the city of Philadelphia. Same sex marriage is only legal in 6 states currently but Pennsylvania’s congressional representatives are not majorly in favor of making this legal in our state. Joe Sestak hopes to lobby for this as well and unseat Arlen Specter. My main motivation to lobby this topic is basically the fourteenth amendment. Although I’d be stretching the meaning slightly, I feel that disallowing same sex marriage is infringing upon the rights of American citizens. For gay couples one person might be the worker while one is the homemaker. In different sex couples this means the house person receives benefits from the other’s job. However, if same sex couples aren’t allowed to marry, the partner receives no benefits.
This isn’t protecting American citizens. Homosexuality isn’t a choice, just like race and gender aren’t choices. Why should homosexuals be treated differently because of something they cannot control? There was once a time that colored people were prosecuted but that was deemed unconstitutional. There was a time where women were treated unfairly but that as well was deemed unconstitutional. Why is this any different?
Currently there is almost 50% support in Pennsylvania for same sex marriage, which is 8 points higher from last year. Hopefully a change in representation will change perspective.
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