Lobbying Post #3

 What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?

There is no local legislators currently working on doing something about the FDA, but I found someone in Arkansas who is working on the issue. It was Congressman Mike Ross. Alaska state legislators have asked the US Food & Drug Administration to withhold its approval of Aquabounty's application to bring a genetically modified salmon to market. (October 7th, 2010)

Who is essential to the outcome?

The people who are essential to the outcome are the people who are working to fix and/or change certain things involving the FDA. As of now, there aren't any local legislators working on the issue I'm working on, which is stopping the FDA from changing food names. If their were people working on this, then those would be the people who were essential to the outcome.

Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?

Me and Alex McGrorty are working on this topic together. No one in local government is working on our topic, so it would be fairly difficult to work or talk to someone who is doing something involving our topic.

Who can you influence?

I can influence the people who aren't aware of the name changing issue. Since their aren't many people aware of this issue, it would be easy to inform and influence them to help, or consider helping.

What is the time frame?

Since there is no one local working on this topic, there wouldn't be a time frame on it, so my time for this could be long.

