Love To Hate You; Hate To Love You

I HATE, like hate, the way you make me feel.
I see you around the neighborhood and it just puts my body into shock every time without fail. And then after the initial shock passes every thing goes into overdrive; I get mad butterflies, my heart beats at the speed of sound, I can't actually speak because it comes out a squeak or a cry and my hands start shaking violently. And it's all your fault!
Before, this used to sort-of be a good feeling. I enjoyed the rush of adrenaline, but before I got to use all of the adrenaline up when I got to run up and kiss you. Before, I spent time with you. Before, we went out of our way to make sure that we saw each other. And now I feel all of the same things and feel a surge of some kind of mixture between love and hate. I love to hate you and I hate to love you. It's an extremely complicated way to live out my life.
I guess it isn't bad enough that I think about you all the time, dream of you, wish I were with you, or just plain miss you. No, we have to take it to another level. You are the last person I would want to spend a moment with, but I wish I could spend nights and days in your arms. Every time I see you I want to kiss you and simultaneously want to punch you in the mouth and walk away. You are the one person in this world I want to tell all of my problems to and you're my main problem.
So, thank you… For making seeing you so damn complicated.
