Macbeth Creative Piece

For my project I chose to do a continuation of my written piece. In my written piece I talk about how Macbeth was not always a bad guy. At the beginning of the book he was a good person. It was only through being provoked and triggered into changing that Macbeth changed his personal traits and became such an evil person. To represent this I started by making Macbeth's head. The head that I made is similar to the head that is shown at the end of the Macbeth movie. Then to show all of Macbeth's triggers I made small sculptures of the triggers and placed them on Macbeth's head to symbolize the fact that Macbeth was only taking action based on what other people inspired him to do, not because his own brain told him that these actions were okay. For Act 1, the trigger that I chose was Lady Macbeth; for Act 2, the trigger was the crown and the role of kingship; for Act 3, the trigger was the Weïrd Sisters; for Act 4, the trigger was Malcolm; and for Act 5, the trigger was the kingdom and everything that comes with being king (wealth, power, followers, etc.). The hardest part of this project was coming up with the idea. Once I had the idea the project was relatively easy. The only trouble I had was deciding which things I would pick as the triggers for each act, and also making the sculptures. If I could do this project again, I would put more work into making the sculptures better.

