Madagascar and Mongolia

Madagascar is the 4th largest country in the world and is an island off the coast of South East Africa and Mongolia is land locked country located between China, Russia and Kazakhstan. The five point framework was actually pretty straightforward in my opinion. It just encompasses what it said it would the hard part was probably finding the sources. By finding the sources I mean if I had a score in my head I would need convincing evidence that would prove that score or change the score. I would change the effects on the website to show the scale better, for example I had thought of my original scale from something light to volcano and since I had certain highs and lows I was thinking it would be cool to show the eruption when certain things attained the score.
Madagascar is the 4th largest country in the world and is an island off the coast of South East Africa and Mongolia is land locked country located between China, Russia and Kazakhstan. The five point framework was actually pretty straightforward in my opinion. It just encompasses what it said it would the hard part was probably finding the sources. By finding the sources I mean if I had a score in my head I would need convincing evidence that would prove that score or change the score. I would change the effects on the website to show the scale better, for example I had thought of my original scale from something light to volcano and since I had certain highs and lows I was thinking it would be cool to show the eruption when certain things attained the score.
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