Marcus Capstone 2022

My capstone was to create 3 short stories revolving around different philosophical ideas. I spent time each week learning more about the different philosophical ideas that I wanted to base my stories around, as well as coming up with the actual story ideas, so that these ideas would be integral to the stories, but at the same time make entertaining stories. I had originally planned on making one big story, but I wanted to cover a few different ideas, so I switched to 3 stories instead of 1. This allowed me to cover more ground as well as bring a few different stories to life.

Throughout this process, I learned how to plan out a story effectively and manage my time between planning, writing, and editing. Planning is sometimes difficult to do because you want to start writing and making progress, but I found it is very helpful to know generally where the story is going to go. I also learned about many different philosophical ideas which are not only interesting, but can be applied to many important areas of life such as politics and even just day to day actions.

If you want to read my stories click the link below
