Marriage Mobs
The most effective way to get this on the radar is randomly placed (but still awesome) flash mobs. I have several ideas for how to organize these flashmobs. All of them start with couples (girls with girls/boys with boys) dressed in grooms outfits and bride’s dresses.
1. Couples waiting for bus stops and taking over the trains.
2. Spontaneous fake marriage ceremonies in malls. Complete with music over the loud speakers.
3. “Registering” for gifts in their costumes in stores.
Then we introduce shirts into the mix. We make shirts with sayings like “Here comes the bride…..and the other bride.” And other cool stuff. And I’ll distribute enough of them so they’re everywhere you look but not so many that they’ll be a mob of people wearing them.
1. Gather willing participants
2. Dress up said participants
3. Partner them up
4. Assign them areas
5. Watch the fun
6. End watching of fun
7. Make shirts
8. Assign shirts to much less people
9. Watch confused people
10. Enjoy
Marriage Mobs
This will definitely be effective because for one thing, flash mobs have a way of getting around. It’s not that this will get support for gay marriage right away but it will get people thinking about it.
Everyone will want to know what its all about and that gets me in the door to explaining my cause.
Sexy Shirts
The shirts are just a fashion statement to keep the issue from losing publicity. Plus the money made from possible sales of the shirt can fund more lobbying of my issue.
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