Maya Phan Capstone

My capstone is about how to properly stretch as an injured athlete. I first got introduced to this by getting injured as a high school softball player who had to go to Physical therapy for elbow tendonitis. This really inspired me to create this booklet because before going to physical therapy I didn’t really know how to do these stretches at home without the trainer. So coming up with this will help the SLA community if they get injured by knowing what to do when stretching and how to stretch. I was able to interview Physical Therapists. Going and shadowing them helped with the creation of this booklet that I began making. I also was able to read books and collaborate with the physical therapists so they could look over this booklet and help me with any questions on what stretches to include and what not to include and how long to make it. By the end of this I was able to pull everything together and made sure it is digital so everyone can access this at home or at school before and after games. I just wanted to make an impact on the SLA sports community and help get players to continue to play after getting injured because they probably want to play!

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Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 12.01.58 PM
