Me and the World- The Energy Crisis #2

There is a new energy source out there. It is completely natural. Algae! Like us algae can gain weight. This fat can be harvested into a bio-fuel. This bio-fuel would be much better than using corn. The problem is that this fat is not exactly easy to get to. Algae have a strong protective skin that keeps all of their organs and excess weight safe. That is why some scientist made devices that make the algae give up their fat.
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​This device would send out electro-magnetic signals that caused the algae to give up their weight. Once they gave it up it would sink to the bottom of the barrel and be collected. This device is not actually very economical. If we use this device to extract fat from algae then it would cost $8 to the gallon. Another method is to let the sun do the job and when the algae die. Their fat will sink to the bottom of the tank and then it can be extracted.
​Carbon-dioxide is not going to be part of this situation When using the "neon-barrels", the algae can use carbon-dioxide to not only clean the air, but gain more fat in the process and thus more energy. the open fields make energy more affordable. Only $4 to the gallon. Maybe advances in technology will allow us to create more fat off the algae and make it affordable.
