Media Fluency

When I was creating my slide, one of the first things I thought about was keeping it simple but able to get the point across effectively. To do this, I did my best to make it as visual as possible, with a minimal amount of words, and making the existing words font size as large as possible. Then I decided to make sure there was extreme contrast in the background so that the entire slide was eye-catching and clear. I kept most of the textures neat and smooth. When I was choosing an image, I wanted one that would complement the look of the text, so I chose one with horizontal lines that would match. When I was choosing a value for the color, I wanted it to stand out, but I did not want it to be too harsh, so I chose a dark blue. When considering balance, my slide is asymmetrical because I wanted to use thirds. I did not want the text or the image overpowering the other so I kept the sizes similar. When I was setting up the placement of text and images on my slide, I split it into thirds, putting the text up top and the image in the bottom righthand corner, and so that the slide was not visually overwhelming Ieft the rest as empty space.

Me Mag Slide

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