Media Fluency- My Slide Re-done

HWellner - My Slide Redux
Originally, my slide was very similar to this, but with a few differences. The text was slightly smaller, and dropped down farther, which I changed so that it would stand out more, and catch more attention, as the suggestions I received told me. It was also in a different font, Arial, which I changed to Lora because I felt it fit in with the image and background of the slide better. The word Legend was also that same font color, as well as not italicized. I changed this to make the word Legend stick out more, and show more importance and impact. The text is now bold to stick out more, and the text is slightly darker, to not blend with the sky or mountains, like the suggestions I received told me to. For the most part, this and the original are very similar, but there are minor changes that both my peers and I feel make the slide much better.
