Media Fluency By Myrna Yousuf

 This slide represents the whole point of creating and sending a message at a glance. Creating something simple and with few words and more of a visual can give a better message than having tons of words in tiny fonts. The visuals are easier to process and easier to glance at and get the information or message being indicated. These are some things we learned in Tech class to make our slides look appealing and eye-catching to someone who might glance at our slides.

The reason I had my text big on my slide is because it should catch the persons eye so they know what my name is. The color of the text was white because it would pop out against the opaque background of the flag. According to Zach Holman having colors that contrast and big font type text will catch the attention of people.

. The reason I put these letters up is that they relate to the flag and who I am as a person. A person can glance at my slide and see the message about how I am apart of another country. By doing this I create the idea of “glance media” as the message is given in one glance. 

Using slides helps give a message across to people and spread ideas much quicker than reading something that is pages and pages long. By having letters of different size  it is easier imprinted into someones mind and easier to remember. Using these ideas and tips I can improve my own projects and presentations in school. My own slide shows how I used this concept to create a message about myself and who I am.


I changed my background so that it fades in behind my letters. This is so that my white letters will pop out with what is behind it. This will catch the eye of people. I then have Red Bengali letters so that it matches the color of the flag and goes with the theme. I then have the letters turned around, rotated,and in different sizes so it is more appealing and catchy. This way every letter will look unique. I used the alpha tool to help me put the letters in create a space for them and not look out of place.

Tech Presentation
New Slide Tech
