Melody againist her ribcage
Descriptions of characters
Mabintu -teen girl from Hati after the Earthquake
Ana Caroline -A 22 year old girl. Died of a eating disorder. She was a Brazilian Model.
Lleana- a teen urban girl, who is a binge eater, and a slam poet.
Samantha- Ana Caroline sister, also her editor.
Act One Scene One
Our country is drowning in poverty and I hear that people in the united states have people who are stuffing things down their throats and making themselves throw up........ I think it’s, it’s so hard to know that our prices for food have risen so quickly and high we can’t afford to have food and people waste it on their sick it’s not real they call it a disorder that is “sweeping the world.” Shortage of food and resource is sweeping the world but no one thinks about that. I am very upset I don’t have a choice if I want to see my ribcage in the morning or a gut. Americans disgust me! They have no regards to, what.... what are we human right? Human!.... they treat us like trash. (speaking very quickly while being distracted by the little boy picking through the rubbish) I seen the skinny people and fat people was in a magazine that was in a pile of trash I was digging through while looking for food.....Just like that kid over there....What do you feel when you seen him....Speechless I know... Just like a typical American..... But back to the point...When I seen it I couldn't help but sit there and just stare at it. I was confused at why the people chose to look like that. I read that those people eat full meals then throw them up or stuff it into their bellies until they cant take anymore. Here in Haiti we eat mud for a meal. Our parents get no more than two dollars a day. Who will eat for us when a whole culture and countries is swallowed by mother earth. I visited America once and the people seemed nice but crazy.....yes I meant to say crazy........I understand this will be in a magazine......I don’t care they are so stupid and they look ugly... What happened to natural beauty.... I know we live in a shit hole But it’s better than being in a rag doll country where everyone is manufactured the same way.... I know you want the interview to be over now.......Don’t say you’re afraid......No your not you are embarrassed to be you!
(Throws the journal the person recording has)
Scene Two Ana Carolina Reston
(Glances at the journal her editor is writing in )You wanna know something?......Well listen anyway....No seriously I need to say this. I could never figure out why I wasn’t made ya know..... thin enough to fit in the creases of perfection... isn’t that the saying “ thin enough to fit in the creases of perfection”.. you should so add that to my book. Write this.. no I don’t want you to edit what I say write it jsut like this.... I really wish you wouldn’t argue with me so much... if you weren't my sister I would fire you.....Women including myself go to extreme lengths to be beautiful,(in a exaggerated tone) there were many nights when I tried wrapping my waist into zeros in the mirror.......darn im good right?... no don’t write that part!......ugh! there was always a chunk of fat waiting to be scraped off . What I do isn’t wrong. I am an Entire Public service announcement for what little girls should idol. (begins flipping through her portfolio) Photo shop is what a person wants in a makeup kit. Modeling was my life, but keeping up with the latest trends and weight lost secrets was a full time job. It is dangerous to be as beautiful and perfect as me. Wow I sound so stuck up!........When I look in the mirror I see perfect angles and sculpted that too Don’t rush me I really want your opinion. you could Play a ultimate melody on my ribcage.....Dude that really not funny. stop laughing!..........(giggles while looking on the bookshelf for another one of her photo albums.) This is what beauty looks like. I would be the most beautiful disaster the world has ever seen. When people look at me I want them to see dedication stitched on my stomach and spine.
(Picks up the book, reads it. Fumbles with pages and drops it by mistakes.)
Scene three Ileana
(Picks up her book from off the floor while cleaning her room)
Today I Looked in the mirror and cried from my throat. I am not the average black teen. If I don’t have an ass that resembles “two monster truck tires” in my back pocket I won’t be considered beautiful. (turns around and rubbed on her butt) (in a very sarcastic tone)Men always stressed the fact that “their girl's skin should be darker than a solar eclipse. Nubia soaking their melanin, Kemet rushing through their thighs, Alodian Empires surging through their veins, Onyx type pupils, with rose quartz lips that smile diamonds.”I don’t own any of these traits that my friend Anwar described, I have an ass as flat as a cardboard box drenched in water. Skin like a dying sun. And my eyes are an unidentified color. Everyone looks at me as if I’m not black enough because I don’t have those qualities. My mom always said to “ you are beautiful no matter what people say.” As of today I don’t believe her. I’ve heard of women dying of eating disorders because they starve themselves. I have been shoving carbs down my throat so I can get that perfect guy. I normally maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle but I’ve been stuffing myself. I need a perfect body. I’ve been using bronze lotions as well so I can have a beautiful skin complexion. Keeping up with beauty tactics can be difficult. My mom has been making comments like “you’re sure eating like a black girl now.” I’ll laugh knowing that I find myself repulsive if I stuff myself and if I am not perfectly molded. I am in a lose lose situation. I just want guys to want me for how I am but until then I’ll stuff myself with regrets and acceptance of others. I want to be that Nubian queen that the sun looks forward to rising to....I need to run this poem about 4 more times and finish editing it. I have a long day ahead of me. Throws herself on the bed and tosses the book so she can memorize.
Ana Caroline
Scene four
(looking at images from a magazine)
I know my name will be carved in history regardless if I die a 22 year old, what they call anorexic girl. Or a 22 year old tragic story. I.....(pauses to think) I think I am pretty just the way I am. the editor and fashion designer said I am too fat. When I visited China for a modeling shoot the first thing the guy did was look at me with repulsive eyes and said “you’re fat.” So I concluded that if I die They’ll blame it on the media and the fashion designers. The News Papers would read “This isn’t what beauty looks like!” But nothing will change, people don’t change. I’m beautiful I am not looking for the acceptance of others, but the acceptance of myself because I Love the skin I am wrapped in. People always tell me I must know my limit, but that limit doesn’t exist. Who will remember the ordinary girl that was born to be nothing but fat and repulsive? After a while your soul becomes a cesspool. No one will watch you on the tabloids, only your obituary, at least you will be remembered for something risky and extreme. I never contradicted the idea that beauty can be dangerous. I know that I will die soon but at least I will be remembered and written about in magazines until another famous person dies. I am a service announcement. yeah that's What I am A public service announcement. I’ve been talking to a few girls who do the same stuff I do and I think they are beautiful. AnywayI hope this isn’t the death of me, but don’t all good things come to an end? I’m not expecting anything special when everyone realizes that my way of living is the righteous way. The media are too naive to understand the neglect of movement.
Ana Caroline sister Samantha
Scene five
(dies Her sister finds the last entry she wanted into her book.)
Let’s see if I have to edit this too... (Laughs to herself.)......I know she wouldn’t want me to, but for old time sake......Let’s see
“I never understood myself, until one night I had a dream that everyone malfunctions except women, We go on forever never knowing the possibilities of being accepted but god makes easy predicaments perfect for loving ourselves
No matter what shape or form we have been molded into we are created strategically,
placed in gods spine so he can keep the world shining with our light. We keep the world spinning when a eclipse occurs we are there to enlighten everyone else with our spirit. I I never let anyone tell me other wise
I’m are perfect.(sits there just staring at the paper hands shaking)....Wow I never knew my sister had such a problem until now. I would look at her and make jokes but nothing serious... (Begins to cry) I wonder why I didn’t help her, why didn’t I love her enough to help her get better. I need her.....I feel so horrible that I used to call her a twig and make jokes about her eating habits. I swear I love my sister, I couldn’t imagine life without her. I swept her off the earth just as quickly as she did it t herself....I wonder what my mother would think.
Scene six
(going into a rehab center sitting in a group therapy session)
So my parents finally figured out what I’ve been doing to myself......They actually made jokes. I knew the wouldn’t understand. It was different when they seen me devouring food, and actually knew I had a problem. Everyone at the dinner table seemed to be staring at me, Was I some type of animal at a zoo?...... I think I’m talking too much someone else can go.....I don’t feel like I’m making progress!......Okay if you really want me to finish I don’t see the point of group therapy anyway!..... After about two days they decided to call this stupid place........ My parents asked stupid questions like “am I wasting my money? Is this even a real disorder?” They didn’t seem to like the response...... I feel so helpless and dumb having to say this out loud in front of everyone..... I know everyone here have similar issues.....can you just let me finish?? I’m beginning to have what yall therapist call (makes air quotes) “suicidal thoughts.” I’m very depressed this over stuffing thing isn’t worth it.......damn This rehab must really be kicking in. I hate that we have to write in these stupid journal entries everyday.......but whatever, I guess it’s helping.
Scene seven
(gets out of hospital , walking through hallway with nurse)
You know I don’t need the wheel chair right?......who cares if it’s protocol....I want to walk....I feel fine and I think I look eh... okay I look okay. I haven’t said that in forever, Come to think about it I never really ever said it. …. life can only get better from here.. right?....I’m worried that I will fall into my old ways …. I don’t want to have to come back here.
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