Merrik Saunders and Isaac Adlowitz Spanish Benchmark
Merrik Saunders
1. For this I am doing Tú vs. Usted. For Tú it is informal and used for people of equal or a lower age than you. Ud is used for people that are older than you and for people you respect. It is formal. An example for it would be for asking some one “How are you?” ?Como estas? Is the informal and used for a friend and ¿Como esta? is formal and used for an adult. The different letter is the s at the end. For other phrases are different for Tú and Ud like:
What’s your name? is ¿Cómo te lamas (tú)? or ¿Cómo se llama (ud).
Where are you from? is ¿De dónde eres (tú)? or ¿De dónde es(ud)?
How old are you? is ¿Cuántos años tienes (tú)? or ¿Cuántos años tiene (ud)?
An Adult talking to there kid:
A: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?
K: Bien, gracias. ¿Y Usted?
A: Más o menos.
2. This is the alphabet in español
A: ah [in English this would be an a. You must remember to use ah and make its sound.]
B: beh [in español to say B it would be a softer sound than English]
C: seh [same as the s sound for English]
CH: cheh [same for English]
D: deh [similar to English]
E: eh [in español to say E it is softer than English E]
F: efeh [its similar to the English way]
G: heh [very different more like a H sound]
H: ah-cheh [close to the English ha choo for sneezing but always silent in words]
I: eee [sounds like a long E]
J: ho-ta [very different than the English way]
K: ka [just like the englesh way but instead of just K sound you use an A sound with it]
L: eleh [it is close to the English way and some small differentness]
LL: elleh [close to single L]
M: emeh [close to English but adds E at beginning]
N: eneh [same as M but changed wit the N]
Ñ: enyeh [like N buy a Y sound in the middle of it]
O: oh [sounds like a long O]
P: peh [sounds like pee but instead of the end E there is a H]
Q: cooooo [sound of a long O with a C on the front]
R: ereh [sounds like M and N but with a R]
S: eseh [same as R, M, and N]
T: teh [close to the English way]
U: ooo [a long O sound]
V: veh [sounds like B but more of a V sound]
W: dobleh veh [dobleh sounds like the English double]
X: eh-quis [nothing like the English way]
Y: eee gree -eh-gah [combo of long E GR sound with long E,
short E, and blah but replace BL with G]
Z: zetah [it is close to Zelda]
How to spell your name.
Emeh eh ereh ereh eee ka
3.Hear are the days of the week:
Lunes |
Monday |
Martes |
Tuesday |
Miércoles |
Wednesday |
Jueves |
Thursday |
Viernes |
Friday |
Sábado |
Saturday |
Domingo |
Sunday |
To ask what day it today? is ¿Qué día es hoy?
A response is Hoy es and the day it is.
To ask what day is it tomorrow? is ¿Qué día es mañana?
A response is Hoy es and the next day of the week.
The days of the week are not capitalized like in English.
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