Miracole Stibbins Capstone

I decided to use a minicourse to educate a group of ninth-grade kids on the principles of practicing self-love and placing a high value on self-confidence as my capstone project. People frequently disregard their own needs for self-care and instead prioritize other people and things over themselves. This leads to a lack of self-care. To begin the whole process of he initial start of my mini-course, my main goal was to influence the younger generation of students to begin to think more about themselves. Allowing them to thoroughly explore their journey of not just their favorite pastimes but also their triggers and activators. Having them be able to differentiate the difference between their different feelings and speaking up without feeling bad about what they have said. This process has taught me a lot, It has taught me how different people retain information as well as how different people use the information that they were given to the best of their abilities. I also learned the the role of time management as well as the role of being in charge of everything, Having that responsibility to call the shots, is a lot to handle and maintain when you’re not completely familiar with doing so. Once I was able to regulate that and have full control and understanding of what I was doing, it made it easier for me to stand up in front of a group of kids and present and influence them into wanting to participate.

Link To Full Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EHoaQ74qCl86jiX9XPz3-yVNksYSkZaXwh4N3g8TYDI/edit?usp=sharing

Whats Hidden Beyond The Surface ( Miracole )-  Capstone Mini Course Slides
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