January: enero
February: febrero
March: mazo
April: abril
May: mayo
June: junio
July: julio
August: agosto
September: septibre
October: octubre
November: noviembre
December: diciembre
Spanish months and days are never capitalized like our English months and days are!!
In Spanish we write our dates a little different than you would in English. Instead of writing the month then the day, the Spanish format is the day then the month.
To ask/answer questions about the dates:
What’s today’s date? – ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
It’s the number of _______(month) – Hoy es el da _______ (mes)
Example: Febuary 21st also written as 02/21 in English. While in Spanish it would be written as 21/02.
So 21/02 = Es el veitiuno da febrero.
You could apply this to an everyday application when you are writing your heading on your paper in school or if someone in class asks you what today is.
Created by Jamie Murphy & Jalisa Smith
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