Months, Dates.
What's the date? Does this question sound familiar? This is a common question we all ask at one point. Well, when you need to know, ask someone, "¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?" That's how you ask for the date. Someone will then reply with, "Hoy es el (#) de (mes)." This means, "It's the (#) of (month)." You would then know the date. How about months? Do you know the months? Let's go over it.
1. enero : January
2. febrero : February
3. marzo : March
4. abril : April
5. mayo : May
6. junio : June
7. julio : July
8. agosto : August
9. septiembre : September
10. octubre : October
11. noviembe : November
12. deciembre : December
You are trying to do a worksheet. But you can't even get to the first problem since you can't fill in the date box. You wonder for a good minute and finally ask your friend.You ask, "¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?" Your friend then replies, "Hoy es el( #) de (mes)."Now you know the date. Your worksheet is based on months. You partner up with your friend to say the months.
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