More good news...

So for the past week I have been applying to jobs because I felt that I would need something to do until the Summer. After a few days with no replies, I decided to give up. On Sunday I began to make a list of all the local stores around my way that were hiring, my list narrowed down to Staples and Target. After applying on Sunday, I didn't expect to get a call back from either, in fact I didn't. Today for some reason I felt like I should call one of the stores to check on my application. I decided to call the store closer to my home, Staples. While on the phone, I asked for the manager, he asked for my name, but he couldn't find my application. After five minutes or so he figured out that he was looking for "DaPonte" instead of "DaVonte", once he found my application he asked me a few questions about my school. Then to my surprise he said, "How would you like to come tomorrow for an interview?".  My instant response was of course. Then he said, "See you tomorrow at 5...". 
