More Than a Distraction, More Than a Woman… The Fight For Feminism

The topic I have chosen for my You and the World  project is feminism. It is something that I recently became really passionate about, but let me get this clear before I begin. Feminism isn't supposed to be a battle of the sexes, but one common goal that everyone is striving for, as mentioned in  this article.

Feminism not like chart.gif

The chart above is just one example of why people should fight for feminism. There is a pretty obvious number of people who do not respect at home mothers and do not work for equal rights, rather than people who do not like most men. This issue may not seem very large compared to other things, but it does link to bigger issues in the world. This can be shown by the statistics on this page. One in every ten rape victims are men. That means the other 9 are women. This is most likely due to the fact that women are treated as if they are less valuable than a man, are portrayed as weaker than a man  and are more objectified than men. I'm not saying this doesn't happen to men, but there's a 90% chance that its more likely to happen to a woman.

Another major issue that has to do with feminism is dress codes. Dress codes are targeted at women and girls. We have more restrictions because we are a “distraction”. I read this article about how a girl had to leave school because of the way she was dressed. Shes fighting for her rights by using the hash tag #IamMoreThanADistraction to spread the word about her cause. I think this is admirable because she is using social media to do so, and social media is one of the main places where anti feminism takes place.

Feminism is a topic doesn't receive as much attention as it should and for my You and the World project I would like to increase awareness of feminism. Feminism might not be a physical issue, but people can still be victims of anti feminism. As I said before, feminism is not something that should cause full out debates and heated arguments between the sexes, but it should be one common goal for men, women, boys, girls… anyone. Feminism is and gender equality is my goal for the future, what's yours?

Comments (2)

Amal Giknis (Teacher)
Amal Giknis

Seems like there are many directions this project could go … what are you thinking about doing to make a change? Tito's idea might be interesting, too. What could collaboration look like here?

Tito Mazzucchi (Student 2018)
Tito Mazzucchi

I support your ideas. When I was reading this I felt a feeling of guilt, sort of, for not doing much to support sex-equality. What I thought while reading this post though, is: Should this really be a fight for just feminism? Or should this be more of a fight for Sex-Equality. I read both your post and Mekhi and I feel like it would be much wiser to perhaps make a combined project, a sort of cooperation where you split the work in two and both fight for gender equality. Perhaps, based on the graph that you posted, if this was called something like "everyone should be respected" then those people who might not respect women might have more of a reason to support them because they could get supported too (even if some people don't necessarily need it). I am looking forward to seeing how your independent research will turn out.