Morgan Craig-Williams-Q1 Benchmark

        As an artist I feel free. I know when I create something form my imagination it can't be criticized or re-explained but it can definitely be unwanted and that is fine with me. When I create something it always has a meaning behind it. I was extremely excited when I found out I had art this year, I've wanted ever since our required freshman class but never got it. I'm looking forward to continuing the year as it bring on new challenges and broadens my view as an artist.
        This quarter we went to see  Aurora Robson's work on bottle caps and what she does to eliminate some of the trash left on this earth buy humans. Her art as beautiful, what really amazed me was the time her and her team spent working on the project.


 Seeing this project in the making had inspired us to make bottle cap posters. Here's mine:
Photo on 2010-11-13 at 09.16

          My next project was to create something of of recyclable items, it could be anything. I decided to make ballerina because I've been dancing since I was three so, dancing is something that means a lot to me.  It took me a while to figure out exactly how I was gonna create my ballerina but I finally got it. Here is my finished work:

     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.39     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.38
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40
