Musical Instrument #2
The flute produces sound by the musician blowing air into the mouthpiece. By blowing on a sharp angle and covering and uncovering holes on the flute different tunes and pitches will be produced. "The pitch can be lowered slightly by aiming the air in a downward direction into the embouchure hole, and raised slightly by aiming the airstream higher so that it crosses over the embouchure hole." I will be experimenting with different lengths of pipes to see if a shorter flute will produce a different sound than longer flute. I plan to drill holes into one side of the pipe. The holes will model holes on a real flute. I'm planing to use just pipe and drill to make the flute, if i don't make the flute of out of wood. Wood may be a tough challenge because I have no experience in cutting and sanding and it would be terrible for me or any who tries to play my "replica" of a flute and get a splinter.
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