Musical Instrument Blog #1
I want to create a simplified version of a "hammered dulcimer", which is a kind of string instrument. Here is a video of someone playing a hammered dulcimer, and here is an instructional video on how to play.
The instrument is played by hitting strings with a kind of mallet/stick. Different strings produce different notes. I'd want to make a similar version of this instrument, so I might not include the piece that divides the string into two. I don't know. When the string is struck, it vibrates, creating sound waves. I could control various aspects of the wave by controlling the length of the string and how tight it is. I'd have maybe seven or eight strings, each playing different notes. I could also put in a bridge at some point to control the length of the waves. If there is a bridge one-third of the way down the string, that piece of the string would be held in place - and that would control the length of the wave. One thing I wonder is what kind of mallet is used. I also wonder how to make a good base for the instrument that will help to make the sound audible.
The instrument is played by hitting strings with a kind of mallet/stick. Different strings produce different notes. I'd want to make a similar version of this instrument, so I might not include the piece that divides the string into two. I don't know. When the string is struck, it vibrates, creating sound waves. I could control various aspects of the wave by controlling the length of the string and how tight it is. I'd have maybe seven or eight strings, each playing different notes. I could also put in a bridge at some point to control the length of the waves. If there is a bridge one-third of the way down the string, that piece of the string would be held in place - and that would control the length of the wave. One thing I wonder is what kind of mallet is used. I also wonder how to make a good base for the instrument that will help to make the sound audible.
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