Musical Instrument Blog #1
Since I was a little kid, the one instrument that’s always captured my attention was the guitar. It was something that could be used for so many different types of genres for music. Hip hop, rock, classical. It captured every sound. So the beginning of this year our school finally got a real music. Who was cool, fun, amazing at some many different types of music and he was an awesome friend. Mr. Newman has taught me a lot about the guitar, some good, some awesome. But such an amazing and interesting kind of instrument.
Playing the guitar takes a little time to really grasp, because you can play the guitar in two types of methods, using tabs and/or chords. For personally chords are much more fun and easier to play but tabs always good to learn especially if you want help with fingering. First you would place your fingers on the chord or sting you want to play then depend on the volume of mood of the song give the strings a strum and if you playing tabs you may have to play that one string first and move to another string so you strum the one string first then move onto the next one using the beat of the song to guide your strumming speed and/or strumming pattern.
To change a note:
For chords you would simply move from the previous chords to the next one while continuing you strumming pattern. Same thing for tabs except in some cases you would be moving from one string to another or one tab to another.
A guitar has a strange shape but it’s very helpful for playing and for the player. But a fun way to describe its shape is to say it’s like an 8 on a stick.
Basically I want to be able to try and make a guitar that is as professional as possible which means I can’t take too long to make it. I know I’ll be able to get real guitar strings for it so that’ll help with the sound and I can try and make a guitar that represent my personality as well.
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