My City Big News
Strengths of a strong relationship
What do you know about strong relationships with your siblings? They can be annoying a lot of the time but it’s worth it. It’s just the same with these three siblings named Grace, Maya, and Joaquin. This relationship of siblings had to be found meaning they didn’t know each other at first because they were separated. When they found each other it was a relationship they all thought they would never have, a good relationship. But it wasn’t like that when they first met, it wasn’t quite what they had expected. In the long run it was an unbreakable bond.
Being honest (it’s key to a relationship) but sometimes it’s ok to keep some things to yourself especially if you barely know them. Don’t make them feel like they are unwanted ( just because they sometimes hurt a person and you never know you might be the only thing to a friend that they might have.
Teen relationships
Teen relationships are not always something to look forward to. They don’t always end so while Grace knows all about it. Let me tell you little about Grace, she is smart and kind hearted but has a bit of a temper. She had a boyfriend named Max. They were doing good at first but then Max got her pregnant. Yes you heard that correctly “PREGNANT”. That didn’t sit with Max’s dad at all. He wasn’t having it, so Max had to leave grace. Max didn’t even speak up for himself, he just let it happen. Grace was heartbroken because that was really someone that she loved and knew he had to go because of something he put in her. #sad Not even that there’s also relationships like Maya’s (same gender relationships). They are not always smooth to get through just because of how the world/people take things. It’s not easy being same sex in a relationship because people like to judge but in this case we need parents to support there child’s just like Maya’s parents did.
Difference Hey wonderful people! I want to just tell you about a couple of topics that came up in our new book “Far From the Tree”. These were some very helpful topics just because we all know that these things can happen in life and are listened to and learned. Those are not the only things you guys have to look out for. Bullies are what I’m talking about; they need to be taught a lesson. It’s not ok to just talk about someone explicitly if it’s personality. You can make someone fall into depression and you can throw them into trying to kill themselves. Everyone just know your never alone and if you or yourself needs someone to talk to just call 800-help now or email That’s all we have today folks, have a great weekend and don’t forget to be on the lookout for next week’s newspaper. On born a crime by Tevor Noah
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