My drawings
I feel pretty proud of what I draw. I feel as though I accomplished a lot, like at first I was telling myself that I couldn't do it but when I started to draw I told myself I could do it. At the end it came out pretty well. The process of drawing this picture was pretty easy because at first you had to draw the outline of the object. It give you a picture of how the object should look. Then you had to put in the lighting it wasn't really hard because you had to focus on where the light hit the glass. You can tell where because the glass would brighten and shine more. The next thing you had to was take away the outline because there was really no outline there. At the end of my drawing it really look like it was 3-d which I think is pretty stellar.
When I started drawing my full figure drawing I had the beautiful image of what it was going to look like. With both of my drawings, I want for them to come out looking great. That wasn’t always possible. With my full figure project it didn’t come out as a thought it would. I had a whole different picture in my mind. I wanted for my picture to be pretty; I wanted for my picture to covered all of the details that I saw. That couldn’t happen because every time I had to start over. At the end I thought it was still pretty good.
Through out the course of me drawing my full figure object, it was hard. I had to start over four times, in all four classes. It was pretty terrible. I wanted to give up; I was going to give up. My teacher and one of my peers encourage me to continue. My peer helped me with my outline, she pointed out things that I haven’t seen before. At the end I thought it was a pretty good turnout. With my clear object it was really easy. I drew what I saw and at the end I went over it and made it even better. It was one the best thing I ever draw.
My work shows that if I but my mind up to it I can do it. If I try hard and say I can do it then it’ll keep happen. As long as I have positive mind then my work will show how good I am. The same thing happens with all my other work. If I put my mind to it I can do it. I have learned how to have a positive relation with all of my work.
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