My Fav Benchmark

​My favorite statistics benchmark was most definitely the first quarter benchmark. This benchmark was about calculating the consumer price index of various supermarkets all over Philadelphia.    This was a group project, and my group members were Michael Kelly and Mary Altamuro.  The stores we obtained all of our information from were Thrift Way N’ Shoppin’ Bag, Acme, and Pathmark. This project helped us by letting us use univariate and bivariate data.  We were able to use mean, median, mode, Q1 and Q3 and range to calculate the difference in prices between the stores and figure out which store was the cheapest.  This project is my favorite because I was able to do much more for my group than in any other project.  I was able to go to the stores and check out the prices for the items we picked out and calculate the percentages and prove it using histograms and pie charts.  This benchmark has also laid important groundwork for me to continue on in statistics.  It taught me about all of the things I mentioned above, (Mean, median, mode, etc.). It also taught me the proper usage of histograms, stem-leaf plots, and box-whisker plots.  Finally, I was able to learn some outside world experience from this. I learned that all stores are not the same. Sometimes prices differ because of the brands of food or just because of where it is sold. I noticed that the same items that were sold at Acme and Shop rite were considerably lower than the items sold at the Fresh Grocer. We connected this to the neighborhood the Fresh Grocer was in. Stores in wealthy neighborhood tend to have higher prices.



Research: I researched information on what consumer price index is and how it’s useful and effective for the costumer.


Collaboration: I collaborated with Mike Kelly, and Mary Altamuro,

Presentation: My group and I presented our work and on keynote and the presentation went well.

Reflection: I worked very hard on this benchmark and I feel as though it was the most in compelling subject that we worked on. 


