My home network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. My Local Area Network or L.A.N can be very slow at times, at my house we have many electronic devices such as iphones, ipad,computer,game systems and more. The L.A.N can also be slow do to my neighbors being so close.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting if now write about what you learned.? Well when it comes to networks it’s very difficult to understand, since it was first used by the military. I also learned that the network can be a very dangerous place because now a days people hide behind their computer screens and harass young users of technology or take a lot of money from people by hacking.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? Other people should know to take good care of their home network and use apps which erase virus to keep them and their love ones safe from any harm.
