My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

My internet service provider is Verizon, and it costs roughly 60$ a month. It comes through copper wire. Then it goes through my modem and then is sorted through my router and then goes to my family’s devices wirelessly: Brother’s ipod, sister’s ipod, mom’s macbook, dad’s PC, my PC, my phone, my sister’s phone, my dad’s phone, and my mom’s phone.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting?

I thought it was interesting how the internet travels through a wire. I never really thought about how it got to my house.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

The people should know how much their internet costs and how it gets into their house.
