My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

All of the electronic devices are connected to a combination router, two of these devices, the TV and the desktop computer, are both connected to the router by Ethernet nine other devices have a wireless connection to the router.

reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.

From this assignment I learned that some devices can be connected to a router by a hard wire called Ethernet and I learned that there are two kinds of routers, modem routers and combination routers.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

I would tell others that when having a home network, the first thing they need is a local Internet Service Provider to give you internet. to get internet to your devices, you need a router. The router will connect to your big electrical appliances (like a TV or a desktop computer) with a hard wire called Ethernet and all your mobile devices will be connected to your router by wireless
