My Slide
The feedback that I received was that my slide was not guiding my viewers eyes so what I did to change this was I decided to move my text, change the font and change the picture I had on the slide. First I changed my image from ballet slippers to a ballet dancer, what guides my viewers eyes is the dancer's torso which stretched towards my text. This allows my reader to look at the picture first notice the way his bidy is proportioned then read the text. Also the text was change to show that even though ballet is very disciplined there is still a whimsical side. The color of the text was a nude color on the original slide but I decided to make it a baby pinkish color so that it would contrast with not only my background but also my picture.According to presentation Zen contrast is very important because that determines wether or not my slide will grab my readers attention.
New slide:
New slide:
Original Slide:
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