It took me a while to figure which one of my identities I was gonna write about. So I decided well, all in a way. Which I ended up doing. And I am happy with the way it turned out. It was fun digging through my memories about it. I found it entertaining how I went from thought to thought in a matter of sentences. I didn’t necessarily use a writing style, I just wrote what came to mind but I did use smilies every once and awhile so I guess I had a descriptive writing style. I did not use humor like Trevor Noah did, I wrote in a way that drew the reader in every so often in the story. Noah’s writing style did not really impact me, I didn’t really think about his autobiography that much. It never came to mind, I feel like our writing styles are different, he uses humor and irony to keep the reader entertained, I mostly just use the story and wording techniques to keep the reader entertained. My story is about me finding who I am and once I address that, I feel completed. The question of who am I? Is crucial throughout the story and through many other people’s lives. The question is essential to life because the answer is what defines us.
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