2nd Quarter Benchmark

Ashley Hinton
2nd Quarter Benchmark 

Link to Benchmark:

Benchmark Reflection: 

 I’d have to say this benchmark was the most useful and straight forward project we’ve had in this course. I went about choosing the 4 cases, 4 laws and 4 offices by thinking about how exactly the government intervenes with my life directly and indirectly. With the help of Ms. Laufenburg i found some very useful websites that gave me lots of information on the curfew laws and drinking laws in Pennsylvania because they were most interesting to me. The only part about the process that was a little difficult was separating the cases from the laws and the laws from the offices and so on. Although we’ve spent a lot of time learning how to differentiate between the three its always a little confusing for me. As i get older i anticipate the government affecting my life more because there are a lot of laws in the world, most of which doesn't apply to minors. The thought process throughout this project was essential in getting the project done. Overall,i feel like this project was a great way to understand how laws directly affect our lives and this is extremely important to know.
