Negative Positive Space Owl

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​A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

 Negative space is the area that is surrounding the object focused in the drawling. Over all  the non object in an image. So whatever space makes up the objects, negative space is the space on the paper that isn't involved with the object. 

B. Explain how you found negative space in your cut out?

You can find negative space in my cut out with the area that isn't making up the owl. The green on the left side is presented as the positive space while the brown in the back is the negative and same goes with the right side. 

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

Artist knowledge the space that isn't relevant to the object is actually as just important as the object in the image its self. Although the negative space doesn't play a dominant role in the image, it plays an important role by outlining and defining the positive space of the object the person who is viewing the image. 

D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not?

Yes, art does enhance drawing. It creates almost a balanced illusion for the viewer of the positive and negative space. The negative space issued to bring out the positive so that our eyes focus on what's important to the picture. 
