Negative Space/Cut-Out Reflection
1. Negative space is the free space that surrounds the drawing. The negative space helps reveal the drawing, so the drawing don't have to be drawn for you to see the drawing; the negative space can help you sketch it out.
2. The negative space is found in my cut out because the right side of the drawing was made by the space around the original picture. On the other hand, negative space is in my negative space drawing because I drew the picture by coloring in the positive space around it.
3. It helps the artists by seeing negative space because it gives them another prospective to improve their drawing on. In some cases, it also give them a wider vision of their drawing.
4. For different types of art there are different ways of how negative space can be useful. For example, if you are trying to make a brain-teaser painting/drawing, you would most likely use negative space because the details of the drawing is not needed and you can see the general outline of your drawing, so it is easier to edit.
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