Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is a barrier that regulates the flow of internet. However, Internet Service Providers, or ISP's, try to bend or knock down the barrier. People around the country write articles explaining the reasosn to uphold the rules of net neutrality. If net neutrality rules are corrupted and broken, ISP's can pay extra money to block their competition from using the internet. An online clash betwee ISP's can oush every other user into the slow lane. It's important to have these rules or else the internet would just be one big competition for speed.
My slide shows the areas and phases of how internet usage will change if net neutrality laws are broken down. The green area shows the status of the internet if the net neutrality laws were enforced and unchanged. The yellow area shows ISP's bending the rules and paying money for faster internet. The red zone shows the net neutrality barrier being broken down and ISP's dominating the internet world. Right now, America is in the yellow and if net neutrality doesn't hold up, America will go from yellow to red real quick. 
This poster will teach teenagers about net neutrality without having to go through a boring twenty minute video. The poster represents a stop light and how the zones switch from time to time. However, if the stop light stays at green, the net neutrality problems shoudl go away. Teenagers have a voice too, and if we teach them about internet laws, the FCC just might listen to what we have to say.

-NY Times: Net Neutrality Rules
-Save the Internet: Free Press Petition
-How to Talk About Net Neutrality in 2 mins. or Less: Scientific American
