Net neutrality - Friend

Untitled presentation

It is very important for teens to know about net neutrality because it is a huge deal. Making the wrong decision with net neutrality could possibly cause protest. Teens are the future of the world and they need to know about very controversial topics. If we don’t then it is more like we will start controversies. If we do know about it than it is less likely we will have controversies.

Net neutrality is the freedom to view all websites without paying an additional fee to few certain websites. It also makes the speed of the internet faster. Now if you're in the one percent than you probably won’t mind having to pay. But if you're the average joe then you should have a problem with this. If ISPs get rid of net neutrality and teens don’t know about it then they won’t be able to restore it when we become the leaders.

Now lets say every teen new about net neutrality. I guess about 63% of them would protest to keep net neutrality. Now say if the ISPs still get rid of net neutrality. When we become the adults we can just restore it. Why? Because we will know that it is a good thing to have because we had to go through it.
