Never Again, Group Exhibit

At first our group was going to investigate the different stories of the holocaust and what exactly triggered it and who had known about the holocaust. Then we had all talked and out and agreed that the holocaust was too much of commercial topic, so we focused on genocide, which is less of a commercial topic. Choosing just one genocide was hard for us to do, so oat first we had did research on the different types of genocides that there were. At the end we had all agreed that it was best for us all to do different parts of different genocides and to put them all together in one informational project that would practically sum up everything that a genocide was about and the people who have already lived through one. 

To just simply Google genocide isn’t enough to understand everything that you need to know to illustrate and to do the perfect genocide project. We had to work really hard at exactly what we were looking for. We had looked for plenty of survivor stories to get head on to what exactly had happened and what it felt like. Also we had did little secondary research just to get the basics of everything that had happened and also everything that the media might have known about. Generally our research periods were very long and hard; also we took specific facts from each source that was used. Then after all of the research on the major things like background information and up close facts on what had happen in each genocide that was researched we had to research the little things such as pictures and videos. 

For our presentation category we wanted to go out and above. We chose to do a presentation board because visuals are everything. Also we had wanted it to look really ragged and old, as if it was something that we had literally taken from a history book. Going through the creation process was just as long as doing the research to start the project. First we had to get a board then make sure that we had decorated it according to occasion. We didn’t want our board to be really boring and something someone had seen before. Also we wanted our project to stick out like a sore thumb so we used our best of might to add things to it and to add little details to everything so everything looked tattered and like it belonged to someone who was in the genocide. 

Our project relates to the national history day theme of reaction, reform, and revolution because we show different sides of the genocide. Also we take different types of genocides and put them into one total and complete project, which brings them all together in the never again convention that is also in our project for revolution. All together our project shows that there is always a reaction to a situation that follows with an reform and usually a revolution. 

Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.15 PM
Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.15 PM
Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.16 PM
Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.16 PM
Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.17 PM #2
Photo on 3-12-12 at 11.17 PM #2
