Never say never.

    Quitting time is here. Just 3 more hours until my overtime is over. I peeped that the girl I want to approach is still here, she is working overtime also. I look around the office, and see Tina and Phil. Im normally not shy when it comes to girls, but with her words get jumbled, and its not a good thing. I hate how i can’t speak around her. I feel like a kid, i feel like a nut. I heard around the office she is going to paris to expand business. I thought in my head about asking to go also, but that would only work if i could talk to her. She is nice, but I just can’t talk to her. I put what i’m going to say in my iphone, and i think about just reading it as a note. Even then i can’t get the balls to say even hi. I had multiple opportunities, like at the christmas party, at the banquet for the boss’s 20th year at this job, and even at the retirement party of the oldest worker here.
    Every opportunity I had was a fail, and every chance i get i blow it. I should say “hey, how are you doing”. Maybe I can play it cool, and say “sup babe”. Wait no, scratch that it won’t work calling her babe, she might think i am disrespectful. I got to think, after 2 minutes of thinking my brain hurts, I give up. My brain hurts, I go to the coffee maker, and she walks by. She walks by, and gives me the half smile. The one she gives everyone who doesn’t talk to her. That only being me and harry. I watch her switch, as she goes to the printer. She turns back to see me eyeing her heavily. I turn away quickly, and pour my coffee. To find out I spilled some on the counter, while staring at her. I go to my desk, and goof off for my overtime (until the last hour, and then do my work). I finish what I call overtime, and wait for the last 15 minutes for overtime to be over. I watch the clock anxiously, and then see everyone leave.
    Except for Ana, who also leaves at the time I leave at. I drink the rest of my coffee, and throw it in the trash can. Suddenly there is a earthquake, and we are forced to stay in their building. I approached her, and said are you okay? Then I tried to play it cool and ask her name, knowing that it was Ana. There was an awkward silence, and she broke it by saying I” see you around the office”. We were stuck, and this was my opportunity to talk to her. I was not going to let this go by. I was still folding to speak to her. An hour goes by, and no words are said. Finally i go and sit next to her, bringing 2 cups of coffee. I offer her one, she takes it, and gives a smile. I ask her about her paris trip, because then i won’t have to say many words. I’ll just have to listen, which is better for me.
    Ana tells me about what is expected to happen in the future, and i listen eagerly. I know she will ask me something, and I think about what I’ll say. She continues talking, and i stare into her blue eyes. Which look like a big blue whale, who jumped in the air. I finally interrupt her stuttering, say “Th-th- that’s interesting Ana”. I’m getting comfortable talking around Ana, figuring that we have been stuck for a couple hours now. We have been talking for a couple hours and now its getting personal. She asked me "do you have a girlfriend". I replied with a no, and asked her. She said no. Which made my heart beat hard. As i was going ask for her number, firefighters knock at the window for a supply rescue. I was angry, but didnt express it. I simply got up and grabbed my things to leave. As i walk across the parking lot to my car I see a piece of paper on my window which says " 215-xxx-4089, and call me sometime".
