Nisa: Do You.

I created this slide the way I did because It shows that you can pretty much do anything you desire, no matter what people say. its only going to affect you in the end, not them. I also chose this because the font is the first thing you would see. Its big, bold but simple- something that would catch your eye. It then leads to the pictures, and the background, which is in good contrast with everything. The pictures tell a few things about me, what and who I like, and it is pretty self explanatory when it comes to how the slide is original. I didn't make a slide with anything too overbearing, just something original but with depth. The pictures are also not too small, as that causes you to forget what the slide was supposed to be about, because you are too engaged in what's happening the sides and bottom and middle.. and stray from the topic. The pictures also do not interfere with one another. They are all coloured and hold meaning, and they all correlate with the concept.
Untitled presentation (2)
