Nyla Moore Capstone
For my capstone, I held a medical panel in the drama studio for students who were interested in pursuing a career in medicine in the future. At my panel, I had a pharmacist and a nurse come and speak. My goal was to try and have at least 3 or more panelists but I found out very quickly that the schedules of medical professionals fill up quickly. Throughout this process, I kept in close contact with my capstone mentor to make sure that everything was going smoothly. At times I felt overwhelmed and stressed out because I wasn’t getting the response I wanted from my peers or the medical professionals I was asking to attend my event. This made me take a step back and be appreciative of the people I did have and be excited over the small victories throughout the process.
My capstone mentor and I created some questions for our panelists to answer and we gave the students time to ask their own questions as well. I knew that I wanted to feed the students who attended so I held a bake sale to raise money for pizza. To document my event, I had my friend take pictures. To prepare for my capstone, I went around to different advisories and asked students to sign up if they were interested. I also put my bake sale in the advisory memo to bring more attention to it. I quickly realized that I needed a team of people around me to help my event run smoothly so I asked a few of my friends to help me with certain things during the process. Overall, this capstone was extremely stressful but I am so proud of the end result.
RAMANI, SUBHA, LARRY GRUPPEN, and ELIZABETH KRAJIC KACHUR. "Twelve Tips for Developing Effective Mentors." N.p., n.d. Web.
In my capstone, I want the people I use for the panel discussion to interact with the students at SLA who attend the panel and possibly build some connections. I know that a really big issue for me and my time at SLA was finding someone who was in the medical field who would mentor me and help me create more connections to other people in the medical field. During my panel, I would like for the doctors to possibly become mentors with the interested students. This article gave me some insight on how to deal with the mentors and also how they should be conducting themselves.
Murrell, Audrey J., Ph.D. "Five Key Steps for Effective Mentoring Relationships." University of Pittsburgh, Katz School of Business, n.d. Web.
This article also talks about mentoring but goes into depth a bit more. It’s honestly up to the mentor and mentee what kind of relationship they will have. It’s important to know if the relationship will be strictly internship/work related or something more personal where the mentee and mentor spend time out of the work environment and get to know each other. To make sure that the students are actually interested in making new connections with the doctors, I should maybe have a signup sheet to keep track of all of the students and the mentors they have. I should also let the mentors know to keep me updated on how they are doing with their mentees.
"Student-Led Clinical Opportunities." N.p., n.d. Web.
This website is the University of Pennsylvania’s student clinic page. The University of Pennsylvania has many different student outreach programs that help high school students like myself who are interested in the medical field. These types of programs are really helpful to students and I believe that there should be more of them. For my capstone, I would like to bring more awareness to the students at SLA that want to pursue a medical career and possibly have universities like the University of Pennsylvania bring programs to SLA. I want my capstone to help students interested in medicine be able to participate in programs like these through their mentors and maybe even try and bring programs like the ones at the University of Pennsylvania to SLA.
Pirihi, Lorraine. "How to Get Organised, Focussed and Stay On Track." How to Get Organised, Focussed and Stay On Track (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
A really important thing that I want to have in my capstone is a team of people that will help me execute my capstone. I realized that I can not do it all on my own so I would really like to get some help throughout the process. One way that I can make my capstone go smoothly is to stay organized. When I think about all of the things that I need to do in terms of preparation, I become a little overwhelmed. To help me stay on track and keep me organized, I decided to look up tips on how to stay organized. The article I found says that I should use a book and write down everything I need to do in it.
Walker, Mark. "How To Organise a Successful Panel Discussion." Eventbrite UK Blog. N.p., 26 Jan. 2017. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
The main idea for my capstone is to have a panel discussion where the doctors can answer the questions of the students and showcase what they do on a day to day basis as a doctor. This idea sounded really good to me but I had no idea how to hold a panel discussion that could be successful. This article helped by giving me tips to create a successful panel discussion that would benefit everyone at my capstone. I learned that I should first try and break the ice between the panelists and the people in the crowd so that everyone would feel more comfortable and being inclined to ask more questions.
"Guidelines for Conducting a Panel Discussion." N.p., n.d. Web.
To learn more about how to conduct a panel discussion, I decided to look for more information. Something that I see a lot in panel discussions is the person hosting the panel will be in charge of the questions. The host will usually ask the questions to the people participating in the panel and the panelists will answer the questions. Something that I found interesting in this article was that the panelists can take more control of the panel and questions. Instead of me being the moderator, I would like the people in the audience to ask the majority of the questions and the panelists can answer them in any way they would like to.
"Steps to Building an Effective Team." Steps to Building an Effective Team | Human Resources. Berkeley University of California, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
As a part of preparation for my capstone, I plan on having a team of people that help me run the actual capstone. I realized that I needed a group of dedicated individuals who could help me do things like set up, help me run the bake sale, and just help me out with anything else I need. I really didn’t know how to actually create a team of people, so this article really helped me a lot. I learned that I need to really focus on communication and have specific goals set for the team. Keeping my team in constant communication with me and each other is key to making my capstone run smoothly. Having specific sets of goals will also help me stay on track.
"How To Build A Team--Using Vision, Commitment, Trust." How To Build A Team--Using Vision, Commitment, Trust. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
To learn more about team building, I continued to search other links to see if I could gain any more tips. Another really big component of having a successful team is making sure that the people involved are committed to helping you. I have had many experiences in my life where I was trying to plan something and the people I asked to help me ultimately backed out at the last minute, leaving me with fewer people. When choosing my team, I will make sure that everyone is able to help out and should not sign up to help if they have any doubt that they can’t help.
"Five Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills." Essentialsofbusiness.ufexec.ufl.edu. University of Florida Executive Education, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
A big part of the capstone process is the presentation. I am not bad at presenting but I think presenting a capstone is a bit more serious than presenting a class project. To improve my presenting skills, I decided to look up little things I could do. The article I read said that I should make sure that my presentations flows and is structured properly. Making my presentation easy to follow will not only help me stay on track but it will also help the audience follow along better. I should also make sure that I know what each slide says ahead of time so that I am not constantly stopping in my presentation to find out what to say.
"Top 10 Qualities of a Successful Fundraiser." Bloomerang. N.p., 16 Nov. 2016. Web. 02 Feb. 2017
At my capstone event, I plan on having snacks. Snacks usually attract high schoolers and it makes the environment more inviting and fun. To pay for these snacks, I plan on having a bake sale to fundraise some money. I have never planned a bake sale before so in preparation for that, I decided to look up some tips on how to host a fundraiser. The article I read told me that I should be passionate about what I am doing. People will tend to be more excited and be trusting of what I am selling if I am happy and confident about what I am selling.
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