Oliver Askin-Terry Capstone

The wrestling experience is practicing insanely hard every day, and competing for your spot on the wrestling team every week. I began to think about what specific part of wrestling taught me the most, and I came to realize that it was learning how to lose. For me, losing has always been hard, and it’s hard for most people I think. Getting good at losing is a life skill that’s not talked about a lot. The skill of losing, getting up, and training harder than you did before is something that wrestling teaches you immediately. I felt like learning this had a really great impact on me, and wanted to capture that. I decided to choose three of my teammates, who all seemed to have very different personalities.

Documentary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c1EzWwgWW6m_iaOgkLVSoNUzH0_9mebi/view?usp=sharing
