On Asperger's Syndrome...

My name is Serenity and I’m a Freshman at SLA. About a year ago, I created a radio commentary with a program called Mighty Writers. It was about my thoughts along the path of trying to find out if I had Asperger’s syndrome. We put it up on Soundcloud, hoping for a few listens or likes, and that’s it. Many months later, it really started circulating. I then got contacted by a youth radio station based in California. From there, WHYY picked it up and aired it on NPR about a week ago. I was amazed at how much attention it was getting, and started letting go of the insecurities I have about the possibility of having Asperger’s syndrome. I am currently working with a foundation that helps publish books writing a short memoir based on the radio story. If you’d like to listen to it, here’s the link:

