One Slide About Zoe
Ḧello Class, this is my one slide. I chose a background that has an important meaning to me. I have an obsession with the sky at all times of the day. I love looking at stars and sunrises and everything in between so my choice of background is explanatory. I used all black words and shapes to contrast against the bright background. The line of the horizon directs your eye to the main points of interest. One of them is the penguin. Penguins are my favorite animal so I felt like it was important to include. The black silhouette compliments the background and words well. The quote I picked is very important to me because I idolize Walt Disney and I try to live by those words and I try to just keep living my life without letting small things throw me off. And that to just keep living is more important than holding grudges and letting small things throw me off. In my research it says to have minimal words and have contrasting colors. The black against the bright background brings attention to the words. The font size I chose is a good size for the page. My penguin bleeds off the page to make a more modern statement and to increase use of negative space. The mickey mouse head in replace for my O in my name is there to add more individualization of my name. And adds small details that tells more about me.
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