Othello Jorunals
Wendy Tepoz
Journal #1 :
(to himself) I’ve rubbed this young pimple until he’s ready to pop, and now he’s angry. Whether he kills Cassio, or Cassio kills him, or they kill each other, it all works in my favor. If Roderigo survives, though, he’ll ask me for all the gold and jewelry that I stole from him and said I gave to Desdemona. I can’t let that happen. If Cassio survives,he’s so handsome and well-spoken that he makes me look ugly. And besides, the Moor might tell him about my lies about him.—That would be very dangerous for me. No, he’s got to die. Let it be so. I hear him coming.
Iago talks to reader/ audience in the writing. He changes the people who he interacts with. He first talks to the characters in the story, and its like he lies to the character, and he tells us the truth; the thoughts he is thinking in his head. In this paragraph, he talks to himself talking about the plan that will happen in the play. Iago in the first paragraph he tellls Rodrigo to stand and stab Cassio. When he starts to hide, he talks to himself and tells himself that if the plan goes well, Cassio and Rodrigo would kill each other, and it will be less work for Iago. The mood changes through this scene because Iago first is motivated to tell Rodrigo things that will get him mad, so he can kill Cassio. When he starts talking to himself, he becomes more evil, thinking the plan will work.
Journal #2
Act 3 Sc 3 Line 335
Oh, is that all? What will you give me now
For the same handkerchief?
What handkerchief?
What handkerchief?
Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona,
That which so often you did bid me steal.
Hast stolen it from her?
No, but she let it drop by negligence
And, to th' advantage, I being here, took ’t up.
Look, here it is.
Emilia knows her husband wants the handkerchief, so she sees it fall and thinks she will give it to her husband because he called her stupid. She only told him about the handkerchief to torture him.She had the handkerchief but she did not steal it. She took it because Desdemona dropped it. She changes through the story because first she is very nice to her friend but then she trades on her by not giving the handkerchief back. She gives it to her husband.
Journal #3
Bianca came in to a play, she had a bad experience with men and she got cheated on many times. It happen to her a lot and when she got in to the relationship with Cassio, he gave her the handkerchief. She knew it was from someone else. She doesn't trust men so much because of her past with them men have cheated on her lied to her, or used her as a toy. She felt insecure about herself. She tried to protect her self by hiding her jealousy and making it into madness and assume she isn’t the only women in a man’s life. As she says it the play, give it to your “whore” because in the past it happened before to her. She doesn't want it to happen to her again. There fore ,she was trying to stand up for herself.
Journal #4 :
What i am bring to my performance , is in my tone of voice anger, because I am supposed to be angry at Cassio. I am bringing a handkerchief to the class because Cassio gives Bianca a handkerchief. She gets very upset to hear that the handkerchief is something he just found in his room. She got very angry with his actions. Bianca gives the handkerchief back to Cassio because she thinks a whore left it there. I think this scene is powerful because there is a lot of emotion when with Bianca being angry, and Iago being sneaky with his plan that he wants Othello that the Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. What my group and i have agreed on is that when Bianca says her line, she is going to run off stage and Cassio going to run after her, we have to have a loud voice, and a lot of passion with our lines.
Journal #5 :
"What do you mean by the same handkerchief you gave me even now, a likely piece of work that you should find in your chamber and not know who left it there" The reason i think this line is important is because it completes the whole quote what she says because it describes why she is mad, why the plan that Iago has is going to work, and when Bianca came in it was just a coincidence. With the lines she says with the plan because if it wasn't for her, Othello wouldn't believed as much has he did. Bianca was clear why she was angry, those were the most important lines, threw all. Also i showed importance in my part is because when i did the hand movements and when i threw the handkerchief at Cassio, and my hand movements. I deliver my lines by an anger tone of voice, and the hand movements. My group performance did go as i expected and planned but when i ran out i got my hand stuck on the door which messed me up. I was mad because I got my hand stuck and I broke character. Also it did go as I planned, because everyone were in their places, and good actors. Now that the play is over, I am proud of that I remembered my lines, and I would have done differently by putting more anger in my lines, because i don't think I did good with that, I am not a very good actor, I was nervous, and I really don't like to talk in front of people, I am very shy, so I think I would do differently by speaking more louder. By preforming the play, it painted a picture in my head more clear and it made it more understandable. Reading the play was kinda hard to understand but when we all acted it out, it became more clear what i was reading. it was creative how we all acted out.
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