Printmaking is a form of art that dates back to 105 CE, in china. It was made possible by the invention of paper, which the chinese are credited with. Relief printing appeared in Europe in the 15th Century. Even though the form had been around for over 1000 years this is when artists really started to pay attention to it, because it was "mainstream" now. Engraving/etching were the first forms of printmaking. Printmaking has only been advancing since it was invented. With new forms being created up until the late 1900's. Japan was actually the first country to create colored printmaking, even though it had been around for 100's of years. The form only got more popular as time progressed.
To create a print you must carve the picture or design onto a plate or block, and then stamp them into a surface. The main reason printmaking is important is because of the different processes that are involved in creating a print through printmaking. Some of the reasons why printmaking was revolutionary was the fact that you could now mass produce prints that you create. You could also now create text print fonts and you could keep them. And finally the prints that you create could now be put together to make a coherent larger image.
To create a print you must carve the picture or design onto a plate or block, and then stamp them into a surface. The main reason printmaking is important is because of the different processes that are involved in creating a print through printmaking. Some of the reasons why printmaking was revolutionary was the fact that you could now mass produce prints that you create. You could also now create text print fonts and you could keep them. And finally the prints that you create could now be put together to make a coherent larger image.
This image was extremely interesting to me because of the amount of detail put into the print without making it seem like too much. To me the warped curves of the painting really highlight the angst and confusion that the artist is trying to display. I like the fact that there are many lines going in one direction, but then that pattern is broken very abruptly. The landscape in the background also is incredibly detailed.
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