Parents In Kids Education- Blog 3
Hello everybody! My name is Siawale Vesslee and this is my last blog post for my You and the World project for my english class. As you should know from my first and second blogs, my topic is how do parents influence their chil outlook on education. This topic is something that is impacting my life everyday and I knew that this topic was something a lot of other kids in the city of Philadelphia struggle with.
For this final stage of this project, I was suppose to find a way to take my topic and be an agent of change somewhere in the city. At first, I wanted to try to talk with parents and show how they can be motivation with their kids. However, I couldn't work with work schedules and many parents didn't want me to even talk with them. Because of that, I decided to focus on the kids. I know that in my life, both of my parents never received a college education. Because of that, they have to work a lot of the time. Because of this, I had to find a way to motivate myself to see how much education is needed in my life. One thing I found out was that because I had positive friends who had the same goals I had, I was motivated to get an education make something of my future.
After relating to my story, I decided to be a personal motivator to kids my age. I then met with Casey Thomas,a fellow ninth grader here at Science Leadership Academy. She is such a fun and uplifting person. She described education as something very important to her. After I heard that, I decided to teach how she can be her own motivator. We met at our lunch times and discussed things that bring down her confidence in herself. We then found ways to use those things to help motivate her. In these discussions, we learned a lot from each other. Her parents are heavily involved in her education and she gave me tips on just talking with my parents.
Working with Casey made me stronger in my opinion that parents are really needed in their kids education. She describe to me how she gets in her parents involved. She talks with them and they ask her questions about her school work. She motivated me to get my parents involved.
Overall, I know that parents are needed in kids education. They help shape how their child will think of education. However, I know that there are many kids who are in my situation. They have parents that work all the time, so they don’t have the critical support from from home. However, I can say that having friends can not only help shape your educational goal, you can gain confidence in helping your parents get involved.
I would like to thank everyone that stayed on this mind changing experience with me. I really appreciate it and I hope I am able to motivate any kids and parents that education is key to a successful future. It is only able to happen with a strong support system!
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