What is negative space?- Negative space in the drawing is the space that surround the picture that is not occupied or used.

How I find the negative space in my drawing?- I found the negative space by looking at the positive space that surround my picture and looking at the space that surround my drawing.

My cutout in my drawing shows a tree and the positive space on one side and the negative space that surrounds the positive space on the other side resulting showing the meaning in the picture of negative and positive space.

In my stool drawing I show the negative space surrounding my stool drawing my shading in the space around it.

A artist seeing negative space in the drawing shows the artist to see the true shape of what their drawing and they see what shapes negative space.

Seeing negative benefits your drawing because if shows you the true shape or form of the object their drawing and the negative space surrounding it shows what shapes or shadows it makes in the drawing.

Photo on 2011-04-25 at 10.45
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 10.45
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 11.11 #2
Photo on 2011-04-25 at 11.11 #2
