Physical pain

It was recess and I was standing at the top of the jungle gym, next to the fireman's pole. I should mention that this piece of the set has now been replace, possibly due to my experience with it.  My back was turned towards the 6 foot drop as I talked to my friend, Yvonne.  Today, I don't even remember what were talking about, though I remember the exact moment that she took a step closer to me.  I tend to be a person who likes her personal space.  At that moment, this space had been invaded.  I took a step back to correct it, never realizing that the floor of the jungle gym ended right behind me, until it was too late.  

I fell backwards and landed on my wrist. I couldn't even feel the pain at first; I was more concentrated on the fact that I couldn't seem to get any air in my lungs.  It was the scariest feeling I've ever experienced.  However, once I regained by breath, I realized that my wrist no longer wanted to move.  At the hospital, I found out that I had buckled, not broken, it.  Honestly, the distinction made little difference to me.  I still had to wear a cast for most of the summer and take a shower with a trash bag on my arm.  

I'm still friends with Yvonne, but have never let her forget that she was primarily responsible for my buckled wrist.   
