Physics Artist Statement

The ideal of this project was to create a sculpture or something that represents yourself and make a circuit with it. It sounded pretty easy at first because it seemed that all you had to do was take a couple of lights and connect them to a battery, but it was more depth than that. During the process of creating my project, I changed my idea multiple times. At first I was going to use a mirror, and then a watch but I finally decided that I wanted to use a shirt for my project. Which was a pretty good idea at the end of the day.

The shirt I decided to use was a shirt that I got a couple of years ago, that I really didn’t use. I’m glad I keep the shirt because my circuit made it look more better, I might actually wear the shirt now. Anyways, the shirt I chosed was a shirt that had big red lips on it. I decided that I would use six christmas lights and have them light up in the center of the mouth. That way it draw attention to shirt. I decided to have three red lights and three white lights and I have them go red, white, red, etc. So that way it would be more interesting to look at. I also decided to have them in a parallel circuit that way all of my lights would be the same brightness.

Having the lights in a parallel circuit was better than having them in a series circuit because in a series the light bulbs are all on one branch which means more resistance. The more resistance there are means the harder it will be for the current to flow. While having the circuit in parallel form that there will less resistance going through a branch and that means the current will flow a little bit easier.

The way I had my circuit set was that there will be two branches and each branch will have three lights bulbs on it. My first branch had red, white and red light bulbs on it going in that order. My second branch had white, red and white light bulbs on it going in that order. When I was connecting the branches I first had to connect them in a series and then into parallel. Once I done that I had to connect a wire from each branch so that way each branch would get the same amount of battery ‘juice’.

After I done all of that I was able to get my circuit to light up and work, which was one of the best feelings I had throughout doing the project. Because during working on the project I came face to face with trails and errors. I had cut some of my wires too short and then some of my soldering where coming apart. That meant I had to do a lot of my work all over again. However after I reconnected my wires with electrical tape my circuit work once again. As you can see in the picture above. It’s a picture of final project that I’m very proud of.

