Pipeline Monologue Project

​We have been doing research on the Keystone pipeline that will run from Canada, through the U.S, and end in Mexico. We've done a project that requires us to write a monologue from the perspective of anyone or anything the involves the pipeline. These are the monologues please enjoy.

The Lucky One
  (Sitting in a chair twidling his thumb.) You are scum. You (Pause) are scum. A sick, vile virus among the population of humanity. You think your riches or your big fancy house makes you special, makes you unique? You are nothing more than a mosquito, sucking the blood out of society and those who depend on what it gives. You and everyone similar to you are meer insects to people who’ve had to crawl and struggle their entire lives to get by. People without chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, or fancy butlers serving them five star meals. Those are people with real riches. I can sit in this chair all day and lecture you on this. The sad part about it is people don’t care as much for human riches as much as they care for small green slips of paper with dead white leaders on them. And for those who do have it use it to hide from the real world like cowards while they watch us struggle through life from their high placed pedestals.

  Why did I try to steal from you? What would you care or understand? I’m going to prison regardless. Hmmp well if you must know I’m no criminal. A thief, but not a criminal. No, they are not the same thing! A criminal is someone who purposely breaks the law because they are too lazy to get a job and make something of themselves. Now there are two types of thieves. People who steal because they want to or people who steal because the have to. I steal because I have to. The funny thing is it wasn’t always that way.

  It was about a year after that pipeline was made. I lived in a rural area not too far from the pipeline and my family business was around that area to. I worked as a tourguide, take people through the forest, let them experience nature, stuff like that. It was called Natures buddies. Of course you’ve never heard of it, probably not good enough. You’d be that one person who had no one to come with. (Pause) Oh yeah, you married? (Pause) You have any kids? Yeah (mumbling) I bet even your parents be too ashamed to come with you. Anyway! I made a good salary, settled down, got married. Hmmp, I remember when I first met her. She came in for a tour one time with her friends, we talked for a little bit after the tour and we just connected ever since. I knew she was the one from that first hour we talked, but I guess you wouldn’t know about that would you. Soon after she gave me something to live for... two kids. They were my pride and joy and I really felt that it was just gonna get better from there. Thats when... it happened. (Pause) The pipeline burst. You probably heard about it. (Pause) Yeah but the only thing was they were sugar coating it. The the pipeline spewed thousands of gallons of oil a minute and ravaged the wilderness and everything else around it for miles, including our business.

I was out of work. Soon after I lost my home. In the blink of an eye I had no job, no home, and my emergency money was running dry. I felt like a boy in a book I read called House of the Scorpion when he was locked in that room because they found out he was a clone. I tried for months to get a job but no everyday job wants to hire someone who tread through the woods talking about trees and animals. Hmmp, you’d think people be more grateful for the tour’s we gave. I tried everything, I learned that those fundraising things they have on commercials are all bullshit. Just a bunch of people who steal from the public and barley give any of the money they raise toward people who need it. They’d much rather take almost all of that money for their own self purposes. Another thing I realized was that those who had plenty of money to give to a corner full of the homeless are the one’s who most likely would give us the finger and drive off.

My money was running dangerously short. My families ribs slowly began showing more definition everyday. I knew I had to do something. Then it hit me, Robin Hood stole from the rich to help the needy. As bad as it was I had two option, either steal food until I can find a real job, or watch my family wither away. That’s why I’m here now. This isn’t what I wanted, this is the life I was forced into. I know you have to call the cops, just please whatever you do keep my family out of it. They deserve better than me anyway. (Pause) What?! Your giving me this? But... but... this is ten thousand dollars, your just giving me this? (Crying) Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you. Ever since that incident I’ve thought I of myself as unlucky, but now I see I have a loving family and now I can support them. Thank you.

Hood Tales
(Sitting on the steps when friends walk up) Sup man. (handshakes are given) Got some stuff on on my mind you know. Here walk me to the store.

  You know how that pipeline is about couple miles from here. (Puase) Well, I heard from an article that an engineer named Vokes said there were some weak spots in the pipe where it is most likely to leak and got fired. No one gave him a reason why he was fired but it’s easy to say that they fired him because he knew the potential danger. (Pause) Thats what you think. My stepdad did some work on that jawn when they was building it. Even he said that though there were some faulty areas, but after what happened to Vokes no one was willing to risk their job by speaking up.

   (At the store) Yo you want something? (Pause) Imma just get an Arizona. (Go into store and gets an Arizona.) Yeah but anyway, my stepdad said was that one weak spot happens to be just off the city. (Pause) I know of all the places right here. I don’t know if it’ll leak on us thats the problem. You know my mom don’t work, my stepdad just got promoted to work on constructions like the pipeline so he’s never around, I’m tryna finish my last year of high school and get into college. Another thing is you know that UCLA gave me a scholarship for politics and basketball. Only thing is if I do go my mom will be by herself most of the time and with her drug problem already bad I doubt think she can handle it, but if I go to Community College I can stay and support my mom but I won’t have nearly as many opportunity as I would if I went to UCLA. If something does happen with that pipeline if I’m not around my mom aint gonna be able to do nothing to help herself, if I am around and it happens we’d be homeless, but at least she’d have me around to keep her sanity intact. So I’m most likely gonna stay here with my mom. I know I’m giving up my dream but my mom means more to me then that and since my real father left us to rot and my stepdad is never around it’s my responsibility to take care of her because no one else will you know. (Gets back to his house.) Na man I can’t play ball today, gotta get some work done you know. (Pause) No prob man thanks for listening man, needed to get that off my chest. Talk to you later.  

Under My Wing
(Laying on the ground) Ah, my wing. Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear me!? Oh whats the point? Without my wings, I’m nothing but a small chicken appetizer served with a side of oil for any predator that finds his way to me first. (Looking up) Speak of the devil. Let me guess, you heard my struggling and it lead you to me. Yup, I can tell by the way your eyes are widening and licking your lips. Whew, the last thing you ate didn’t treat you well did it? Look, I know how you predators work; you sniff around til you find some poor, weak, defenseless creature to stuff your face with. You found me hear laid out on the ground and thought, easy meal. But I will give you a fair warning, you really don’t want to eat me. Why? Because I’m contaminated. I know, just a way for me to not get eaten huh. Well, let me tell you how it happened. See, you heard of that pipeline that was built under us? Yeah well about a week ago so I’m just walking around minding my own business, when out of nowhere all this oil spewed on me. That was just the start of my problems. So I escape the oil pool and thankfully I didn’t consume enough to kill me (mumbling) lucky me. Once I escaped I realized that the extra wait prevented me from flying, so I began searching for something to eat. Because frankly I was really hungry. So as I’m looking for some bugs to eat, out of the blue this giant metal hits. At first I thought it was a big predator so to stay alive I played dead. It turned out that it was just a couple of humans. So they leave and it was then that I realized that I had broken my wing. I walked and walked for miles searching for help until I finally broke down here, and the rest you already know. Bet you don’t wanna eat me now huh haha. Yeah bet you won’t whoa... (crunch crunch) (swallow)

Little Sasha

My sister and I are living the dream. I mean there’s nothing to explain or say but that we are the daughters of the president of the united states. What 12 and 14 year old do you see living in the best house in America. But this life does have its flaws. Everywhere I go, i hear someone go, “Hey what's your dad’s next move:” Or hay how did your dad really kill osama. But as of late people have been asking “Is your dad gonna accept that pipeline proposal?” Now I don’t understand what the hell is wrong with these people. I’m just a normal 14 year old girl trying to live my everyday life. I don't have time to worry about a stupid pipeline. I mean between me and you i think my dad is gonna accept it. My daddy promised jobs to the unemployed people of the US. And i did some research, Well when i mean research i mean snooping in daddy’s office. And this pipeline can provide thousands of jobs. It also is a good and safe,cheap effect way to transport oil. And its a lot closer. But then what if the pipeline leaks. We are gonna get covered with oil. Its gonna be the gulf of mexico all over again. I hate this. This one of the flaws of being a first daughter. When will this ever change.

Obama Drama

(In oval office)
Damn. This is not a good look. I'm the president of the United States and Its the day of the speech and i'm STILL not sure on whether or not i'm gonna accept this pipeline or not. I mean I don’t want to but then again I do. What a president I am. I did promise jobs and this would be a good look for the economy. But what if it leaks. Then i’m gonna receive so much criticism and i don't need that during the run for my second term. OMG they just announced me. Ok i can do this. I have my mind made up this is what I’m gonna do. God bless america! I want to thank you. The americans, the citizens of The United State Of America.  I want to  talk a little about the keystone pipeline. Now its been some speculation regarding on whether or not i’m going to accept the application for it or not. Now, it does provide safe, abundant, cheap reliable energy. It also a benefit to having it as close as home as possible. If we don’t act now, it’s eventually is gonna find its way into the market. Some even say that its the safest most effective way to transport oil. BUT, When i think of this i think of how not long ago, we had this real bad oil spill around the gulf of mexico. Now, with all that oil, if it were to leak again, what are we gonna do as americans to clean it up. But you know what when it’s all said and done, its about the americans. And this project happens to provide over tens of thousands of jobs for the US population. And i remember specifically when i went into office one of my biggest promises was to find Jobs as a lot of jobs for the population of america. And thats just what i intend to do. Therefore we will start operation of building this pipeline, for the sake of the government, the climate, and the fate of the US citizens! Thank you and God bless America! That was my speech i Remember it like it was yesterday. Now those very words have came to bite my ass. I heard from my high school best friends. He actually introduced me to Michele. Yeah we had some good times. “Barack, How you doing? Oh yea yea im doing fine. HAD me a nice little house down in cali... But u know they are taking control of my land. Yeah Yeah, Me and my family are living in this hotel right now.. I just wanted to call and tell you how much of a bright president that you are. Thanks a Lot barack (CLICK) That was the worst click. What he did was what the kids now a days would say. He banged on me. That click was the click of failure. And that’s what i was. I had never thought that this pipeline would take a toll like this. I was so worried about what my people would think and call me a hypocrite but now they are calling me worst. A failure. I Have failed the people of the United States. “Biden Get in here, The nation had a promotion for you”!
- Maybe instead of using the teacher use one of the girls.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/51697442" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/51697442">Pipeline Monologue video</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user14162008">True Black</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
